Pole Classes at Body Electric can be divided into three broad categories –
Static Pole Classes, Spin Pole Classes
and Pole Dance Classes
Jump to Our Static Pole ClassesJump to Our Spin Pole ClassesJump to Our Pole Dance Classes‘Static’ Pole and ‘Spin’ Pole?
Pole dance poles have two modes – ‘Static’ and ‘Spin.’
‘Static’ poles are ‘locked’ or ‘fixed’ in place, and do not rotate or move with the pole dancer’s movement. They are often preferred for beginners because they offer more solid support to students, allowing them more easily to control their momentum around the pole while they learn basic pole techniques.
‘Spin’ poles rotate around their central axis with the dancer’s movement, and help to create beautiful flow, shapes and symmetry. We recommend that students become comfortable in our Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 Static Pole classes before trying out our Spin Pole classes.
We encourage all our students to develop skills on both static and spin poles.
Our Static Pole Classes
Our Beginner 1 (static) pole classes are the place to start for people new to pole. Students generally participate in three to six Beginner 1 classes, and then move themselves into Beginner 2 classes when they feel comfortable with the basics, and ready to attempt a broader range of content.
Students are welcome to stay in a given pole class level for as long as they like. Students are also encouraged to take classes at more than one level at the same time, to help consolidate their existing pole repertoires, as well as challenge themselves with new content.
Read on for a description of each of our Static Pole Classes.
Beginner 1 Pole
Beginner Pole classes are suitable for people of all fitness levels. They are aimed at students completely new to pole, as well as students wanting to revise pole basics.
Classes cover the fundamentals of posture, poise and movement around the pole, as well as a range of basic spins, tricks and holds.
Beginner 1 classes focus on developing student strength in working towards achieving inverts (upside-down moves) and a variety of basic climbing styles.
Beginner 2 Pole
Beginner 2 Pole classes focus on more challenging beginner level spins and tricks, particularly inverts, that are required for students to feel ready to move up to Intermediate Pole classes.
This class is aimed at students that have gained a solid foundation in the basics of Beginner 1 level classes, but are yet to master Beginner level inverts.
It is also suitable for intermediate level students who would like to continue to strengthen their basic inverts, as well as work on higher level beginner spins.
Inter 1 Pole
Inter 1 classes are designed for students who are confident in executing pole spins, and basic inverts.
Inter 1 Pole classes add to students’ inverted trick inventories to prepare them for completing aerial sequences, or ‘combos,’ of tricks at more advanced levels.
These classes include regular work on a range of leg hangs and inverts, to help students develop the core and upper body strength necessary for higher level pole tricks and skills.
Inter 2 Pole
Inter 2 Pole classes build on the content developed in Inter 1 Pole, adding to students’ trick and spin repertoire, material of increasing difficulty.
The tricks with which students have become familiar in Inter 1 Pole (including straddle inverts, leg hangs, crucifixes, etc.) are sequenced in more challenging combos, which emphasise strength, stamina and control.
Students are also taught higher level holds and more dynamic spins that are hallmarks of advanced level pole work.
Advanced Pole
Advanced Pole classes are for students who are comfortable executing aerial inverts, shoulder mounts and brass monkeys, and are able to repeat lengthy series, or combos, of spins, tricks and holds.
A significant level of strength and flexibility is required to facilitate students’ progress in achieving extremely demanding pole and floor content.
Advanced level classes also regularly incorporate strength training and freestyle dancing.
Basework Pole classes focus on movement that utilizes the base of the pole and the floor area around it. This class includes low flow content and combos, as well as more challenging floorwork sequences, and pole base and floor tricks. Handstands, shoulder stands and forwards and backwards rolls feature regularly.
Knee pads and leg warmers are essential, and the class is only suitable for Intermediate level students and above.
Experience in Fluid Floorwork classes, if possible, is recommended prior to attendance of this class.
Our Spin Pole Classes
Spin pole classes teach you the beautiful, flowy techniques and tricks involved in spinning pole.
Our Beginner Spin classes are perfect for students with a knowledge of basic static pole content (ie, beginner spins and climbing), as taught in our Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 Pole classes.
Intermediate Spin classes are aimed at students who are Intemediate level static pole students, and comfortable with basic inverts and leg hangs. Read on to learn more about our Spin Pole classes.

Beginner Spin
Never tried spin pole before and would like to have a go? This is the class for you.
Suitable for students who are familiar with Beginner level pole content and can confidently and competently execute basic spins on a static pole, this class provides an introduction to spin pole techniques and repertoire. It focuses on helping students enter and exit basic spins fluidly, and control pole spin speed.
Class consists of a thorough warm up, basic spins, entries and exits, short spin combos and choreography, and concludes with a cool down stretch.

Intermediate Spin
Further develop your spin pole skills in this class! String aerial spin pole elements together in combos and develop fluid and seamless transitions between tricks.
This class is suitable for students who are comfortably able to climb and invert on static or spin poles, and have some experience in Beginner spin pole classes.
Our Pole Dance Classes
We have a wealth of Pole Dance Classes to choose from at Body Electric! Choreography and dance content changes from week to week, and varies from instructor to instructor. Students are kept busy and challenged in these stimulating and super fun dance classes, which benefit both the body and mind!

Pole Grooves
An extremely popular pole dance choreography class open to pole students of all levels. With no previous dance experience required, this is the PERFECT place to start if you are wanting to put your pole dance basics to music!
New choreography and music each week keeps this class fresh and challenging for participants who like to dance!
Pole Grooves classes include a warm-up and the teaching of a fun dance routine, with a final group performance of the content learnt in the lesson. Class ends with a cool down and stretch.

In our ‘Flow’ classes, students explore range of pole genres including Classic, Hardstyle, Showgirl, Contemporary and Russian style pole movement. The emphasis is on making dance movements merge seamlessly into one another, while incorporating more physically demanding floor and pole-based elements found in current styles of pole dance.
Heels are compulsory and legwarmers and kneepads are highly recommended for a number of our Flow classes. Please see MindBody for descriptions of each style of flow class. These classes are not suitable for students below Inter 1 level pole.

Fluid Floorwork
Fluid Floorwork classes focus on floor and base moves that are essential in the construction of pole dance choreography pieces.
Open to pole students of all skill levels, these classes teach students basic movements that enable them to link together movements both at the base of and entirely off the pole.
Classes are designed to stimulate ideas, and involve students in creating their own combination of movements to share with others. Fluid Floorwork helps build student confidence and experience in floor-based expressive movement to music.